Author: Christina Comben

  • It’s Officially World Toilet Day Today

    It’s Officially World Toilet Day Today

    If you slept through your alarm, stubbed your toe on the bedside table, or stepped into a puddle on your way to work, you may be thinking you’re having a crappy day. Well, guess what? The rest of the world is accompanying you in your mood. It’s World Toilet Day today. That’s not a joke but a real official United Nations international observance day. And it’s actually a lot more serious than it sounds.

    Why World Toilet Day?

    Because nearly 2 billion people around the world use drinking water that may be contaminated with feces and 4.5 billion people live without access to a safe toilet. This means that many people are left to defecate outside which contaminates their environment, their source of water and pretty much makes them live in a sewer.

    Bill Gates recognized this problem back in 2011 and launched a global competition called the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge. However, he’s still struggling to scale a suitable toilet to solve the problem in areas that don’t have enough water to run one.

    It’s not easy to build a working toilet in poor areas where water is scarce and laying an intricate network of pipes is just not a possibility. This problem is particularly prevalent in India where a massive 39% of the urban population can’t use their toilet due to insufficient water.

    Here’s Why Having a Working Toilet Matters

    If you take a look at the infographic below you’ll see why it’s so important to have a working toilet. Even Gandhi said that sanitation was more important than independence. And he was a pretty wise man.

    Nearly 3 million people die every year due to inadequate sanitation and diarrhea is the second biggest killer among children. Which again, puts your shitty day into perspective.


    If you think you’re up to the challenge and want to join Bill Gates on his quest to solve the world sanitation problem, here are the guidelines that your toilet should be able to do:

    1. Separate the germs from the usable matter in human waste and reuse valuable resources such as energy and water
    2. Operate without connection to water or electricity
    3. Cost less than $0.05 a day to run
    4. Promote sustainable and profitable sanitation solutions in rural and poor urban communities

    A few toilets have been designed that fit some (but not all of) the specs but scaling them is a challenge. Clear Toilet China, for example, depends on rainwater to function. While it costs just $0.03 a day, it does not produce fertilizers or delivers energy.

    The Eco-San Toilet US relies on solar energy and collects 4-5 meters of cubic usable (not potable) water a day, as well as fertilizer but costs $0.02 per flush.

    While Gates officially announced the winners back in 2012, the problem is yet to be solved. The WHO says that every dollar invested in sanitation yields $4.3 in return. So if you want to get involved in reinventing the toilet, you have a massive and profitable market to get into.

    Featured image from Shutterstock.

  • Could Billionaires Use Their Wealth to Solve the World’s Problems?

    Could Billionaires Use Their Wealth to Solve the World’s Problems?

    Many people imagine that being fabulously wealthy means living a life of excess and grandeur, buying luxury homes, cars, and traveling the world. While this may be how many of the world’s richest people spend their cash, philanthropic billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet donate over half of their incomes to causes. But just how much impact can their fortunes have on society? Could billionaires solve the world’s problems?

    Many of the biggest issues faced today are simply too large and complex for one person, or even group, to solve on their own. No single one person can change the course of climate change or world hunger, for example.

    But could the 2,208 billionaires solve the world’s problems together? Or at least, some of them? Could they eradicate issues like credit card debt, homelessness or the rising cost of living? While money can’t buy happiness, the very wealthy may have the capital to spread just a little to someone else.

    Could Billionaires Solve the World’s Problems?

    Self Lender did the math to see which problems the world’s billionaires could solve if they got together. With an average net worth of $4.1 billion each, the top 500 billionaires have a combined net worth of $5.38 trillion. And there are some major problems that this wealth could solve, including wiping out credit card debt, solving homelessness, and granting healthcare to all. Check it out:


    It’s pretty clear that a lot of money goes a long way. Whether or not the majority of the world’s billionaires feel inclined to spend their wealth on others in another issue entirely.

    Featured image from Shutterstock.

  • David Choi Built a Multi-Million-Dollar Taco Empire with $18,000

    David Choi Built a Multi-Million-Dollar Taco Empire with $18,000

    Succeeding in the tech industry isn’t the only way to strike it rich. Self-made millionaire David Choi from St. Louis proved that a brilliant idea can bring in the money in any area, despite competition and lack of resources.

    His idea of selling Korean food in tacos from a food truck helped him to build the brand Seoul Taco, currently present in two states, Illinois and Missouri.

    Today, he manages a growing restaurant chain with locations in Champaign, Chicago, Columbia, St. Louis, and Chesterfield.

    Seoul Taco includes five restaurants, a catering business, and two food trucks, with two more locations to be opened this winter in Chicago.

    But things weren’t always smooth for founder and owner David Choi, who started his business with just $18,000.

    Selling His Car to Start the Business

    David Choi bought his first food truck in 2011, after selling his car and draining his bank account. He explained his decision in an interview:

    “I started Seoul Taco at the peak of the recession because I didn’t want to work three minimum wage jobs 100 hours a week. I sold my car, cashed out my bank account and found someone selling a food truck in Philadelphia for $40,000. I had $18,000. He sold it anyway.”

    The Korean taco inventor got other $22,000 to invest in his business from friends and family who believed in his idea, as well as in his talent for cooking.

    Before starting his own business, Choi had worked in small jobs in the food industry, making pizza, sandwiches, and even working in a Chinese restaurant. According to him, all previous positions helped him manage his food truck better.

    David Choi Recouped His Initial Investment in a Few Months

    The mix between Korean and Mexican food was a success, and the owner of Seoul Taco soon had to open his first brick-and-mortar location to meet the growing requests from customers.

    His winning strategy included, among other things, opening locations in former restaurants. For each of his sites, Choi collaborates with local artists to create the vivacity of urban culture inside the restaurant.

    David Choi will open two new restaurants in Chicago this winter. Even if he didn’t have big plans when he bought the first food truck, the culinary entrepreneur now understands the potential of his idea.

    Choi stated for Sauce Magazine:

    “Success would be maybe opening into a third market; I think that would be huge. I want to look into another market that has a similar feel to St. Louis and Chicago, down in Texas or Atlanta. Chicagoland has been really good to us. I think it makes sense to open up a few more there as well. And then possibly another concept; I would like to see that.”

    Despite his growing success, David Choi is still a regular young man who watches ESPN Sportscenter, plays the guitar, and likes making Asian-style tacos. At least for now.

    Featured image from Entrepreneurial Chef.

  • Giana Tiger Is 18 Years Old and Already Has a Stock Portfolio Worth Over $10m

    Giana Tiger Is 18 Years Old and Already Has a Stock Portfolio Worth Over $10m

    Most teenagers are more interested in their smartphones than their studies. They’d rather be snapping selfies for their Instagram accounts or playing Fortnite than contemplating hitting the books–let alone starting their own businesses at the tender age of 13. But then again, most teenagers are not Giana Tiger.

    The now 18-year-old high school student sold her cleaning business for $1 million, turning a $100-investment into almost 1,000,000% profit just two years later. She then went on to invest $250,000 into a stock portfolio that’s now worth over $10 million dollars in less than two years.

    Self-assured, with a steely will to succeed and just a touch of insecurity (Giana reached out asking if I thought anyone would be interested in her story–seriously). Becoming a self-made millionaire while studying calculus and reading up on our founding fathers?

    I’d say that was enough to pique the interest of even the staunchest doubting Thomas. So, how did she do it? I had a few questions. Here’s what Giana had to say.

    You started a home and office cleaning business when you were just 13, which you went on to sell for over $1 million. How did it all begin?

    “I had to sell 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in my little neighborhood in the Midwest. While one of my customers [I love how seriously the Girl Scouts in America take this task] was filling out the forms he apologized for his messy house.

    I offered to help clean, and he asked how much I would charge. I hadn’t considered charging so I took his first offer of $200 a week twice a month.

    The rest of the weekend I kept selling my cleaning services along with the cookies. After my weekend of cookie sales, I asked for referral business from existing clients. Some of the people I was referred to owned or managed office space.”

    It’s pretty clear that Giana has her head switched on, asking for referrals, looking to grow her own business while selling cookies, even if in some places that might be considered child labor.

    With Giana, it was more than that though. She didn’t just take it as another chore to score a badge or outshine her counterparts; it sparked her entrepreneurial spirit. I wanted to know more.

    Why did you feel compelled to start a business? Who was your inspiration?

    “The business basically fell into my lap, but my parents inspired me to be persistent. They also gave me a lot a flexibility to operate the business along with my homeschooling. As business owners themselves, they knew which direction to point me in when I had a question.”

    Giana certainly has supportive parents but it’s one thing selling a few cookies. It’s another building your own cleaning empire.

    How do you get through the legal red tape and sign the papers you need to when you’re a minor anyway?

    “Generally speaking banks, insurance companies, and other large institutions do not take teenage girls seriously [seriously?]. I contacted my local Small Business Administration (SBA) office and asked for mentors.

    These volunteer mentors are amazing, and they along with my parents helped me figure out how to overcome these problems. The SBA also helped me understand how to manage employees, and obtain my own office space, and acquire equipment.”

    Take note, kids. That’s definitely worth looking into. Most people Giana’s age would probably decide they were too young to participate. Not everyone is as fortunate to have supportive entrepreneurial parents either.

    So, if you have an idea, a goal, a dream… it’s worth checking in your community if you can find a mentor to help you. It worked for Giana and she didn’t have to pay a dime.

    What made you decide to sell the company and what are you doing with the proceeds now?

    “After receiving an offer of over $1 million dollars from a large competitor I spoke at length with my parents, mentors, and everyone agreed that I should sell. If I wanted to get back into the cleaning business the contract allowed me to start a new cleaning business one year after the sale.”

    Talk to us about stock trading. How did you get involved in that? How did you build a stock portfolio worth over $10 million dollars in less than 2 years starting with less than $250,000?

    “After the sale of my cleaning business, I spoke to several financial advisors, but no one seemed like a good fit. I tried to predict the markets using financial analysis techniques and reading the financial news before investing real money. Like most investors, I couldn’t beat the market. I had to find another way.”

    Here is the persistence part once again. We’ve already established that Giana is not your average teen. Gifted in finance, in business, oh, and check out her Twitter profile, she’s also a gymnast. Just shows you that whatever you have on your plate, you can take on one more thing. And no, you don’t have to let the barriers get in your way.

    The revelation came to me when I learned about the Exchange Act. Major shareholders, directors, and executives of public companies must declare their holdings to the public. If several of these individuals either begin buying or selling a significant amount of a particular stock I need to start building a relationship with these individuals.

    Then I use those relationships to understand what steps I should take next, always with the advice of a lawyer. There are insider trading laws, so you always need to contact a lawyer before taking any action.”

    So, what is Giana going to do with all this? Just 18 years old and already worth $10 million. She doesn’t only want to amass a greater fortune for herself but she wants to share her success with others.

    “Beyond the financial rewards of selling my business, and success in the stock market I would love to teach others how to have similar or greater success than myself. I have learned that having amazing advisors, and persistence is 99% of success.”

    What’s next on the list for you? Do you think you will always want to be an entrepreneur?

    “I will be attending college online in the Spring, and I would love to get involved in government in my community. Beyond a fulfilling private life, education, volunteering, and public service I can think of nothing more exciting than entrepreneurship.”

    Do you have any advice for kids just starting out?

    “If you want to do anything in life get started today, don’t procrastinate.”

    Most people take a lifetime to accumulate their wealth. Giana’s not even legally allowed into a bar yet she’s already made enough money to buy one if she wanted. And it all started with Girl Scout cookies.

    If you have questions for Giana, she’d love for you to contact her on [email protected] or through her Twitter handle @GianaTiger. 

    Featured image from Giana.

  • Fortnite Beats Red Dead Redemption 2 as Game of the Year

    Fortnite Beats Red Dead Redemption 2 as Game of the Year

    Wildly popular online video game Fortnite has beaten out Red Dead Redemption 2 to win the Golden Joystick Awards Game of the Year. In the same competition, Subnautica took the prize of PC Game of the Year, while CD Projekt’s still-to-be-released Cyberpunk 2077 ran away with the Most Wanted Game title.

    Launched in 2017 by Epic Games, Fortnite has set the world alight with some 78 million monthly players winning hundreds of millions of dollars between them. It has also inspired plenty of esports teams to compete for huge prizes in key competitions around the world including Team Liquid, Cloud9, and CLG.

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Was a Fortnite Contender

    Red Dead Redemption 2 was certainly a contender and despite making a record-breaking $750 million in its first weekend, it was released just this month and perhaps yet to gain its full traction.

    While Red Dead Redemption 2 was an instant hit among the gaming community, Fortnite has become something more of a cultural phenomenon, with massive appeal. It attracts seasoned gamers as well as people who’ve never picked up a controller before.

    While Fortnite scooped the award for the overall Game of the Year, it also won in its category not-on-PC. Survival game in the deeps Subnautica was a deserved winner of the PC Game category, offering players an immersive and captivating gaming experience–with a touch of the truly horrifying thrown in when you come across underwater creatures, including the spine-tingling terrifying Sea Dragon Leviathan and the Reaper Leviathan.

    For a full list of all the winners and categories, visit PC Gamer here. And if you want to catch up on the glitz and glamour of the awards, check out the video of the full show below:

    Of note also is that the Golden Joystick lifetime achievement award this year went to producer/director on the Dark Souls games, Bloodborne, and president of From Software, Hidetaka Miyazaki.

    Featured image from Epic Games.

  • Ikea Counters Air Pollution in India by Reusing Rice Straw

    Ikea Counters Air Pollution in India by Reusing Rice Straw

    Swedish furniture retailing giant Ikea wants to turn rice straw from India into a renewable material source for its products. The concept should help reduce air pollution in one of the most polluted countries.

    For more than two weeks now, India’s capital has been covered by a toxic fog that causes breathing problems and eye burn. The air quality improved for the first time in two weeks on Wednesday, when it went from ‘severe’ to ‘very poor’ and on Thursday to ‘poor’.

    Ikea’s “Better Air Now” to Cut Down Pollution

    One of the causes of dense smog is crop burning, a practice that Indian farmers use to get rid of the rice straw at the beginning of winter. Despite being banned to protect the air quality, farmers continue to use stubble burning to prepare the land for a new crop.

    The Swedish company plans to buy the residue and use it to manufacture new products, as part of their “Better Air Now” initiative. Helene Davidsson, Sustainability Manager South Asia at IKEA Purchasing stated:

    “We know that burning of rice crop residue is a major pollution source and with this initiative, we hope that will change. If we can find a way to make use of rice straw, it would become a valuable source for the farmers instead of being burnt, which in the end also would contribute to better air for people.”

    The furniture retailer wants to have the first product prototypes made with rice straw by the end of this year. The company plans to sell rice straw-products in India during 2019 and 2020, then expand the concept to other markets.

    9 of 10 Most Polluted Cities Are in India

    India struggles to maintain its air quality, and crop burning is only a trigger for the toxic smog that covers the most crowded cities of the country. A study by the World Health Organization revealed that nine of the world’s ten most polluted cities are in India.

    Delhi ranks 6th on the list at the moment, and crop burning is responsible for a quarter of the air pollution in this city. Other factors that pollute the air are vehicle emissions, industry, and a significant amount of smoke due to the firecrackers burned to celebrate Diwali.

    This year, the Indian government decided to spend $230 million in 2018 and 2019 to prevent stubble burning. The money was intended to cover the costs of removing crops from fields in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, three states that border the capital.

    Ikea is planning to contribute by buying crop residue from farmers. The retailer has opened its first Indian store in Hyderabad, in July 2018. The Swedish company plans a $1.53 billion investment in the local market, for opening 25 stores across the country.

    Featured image from Shutterstock.

  • UK Pharmacist Strangles Wife with Plastic Bag for a £2m Insurance Payout

    UK Pharmacist Strangles Wife with Plastic Bag for a £2m Insurance Payout

    They say that money is the root of all evil and in this gruesome case, it appears to be true. UK pharmacist Mitesh Patel murdered his wife Jessica Patel with a plastic bag so that he could use her life insurance money (£2 million) to escape to Austrailia with his new beau (a man) he met on dating app Grindr.

    UK Pharmacist Mitesh Patel Strangled His Wife

    It all happened at the couple’s Middlesbrough home on the morning of May 14. Prosecuting QC, Nicholas Campbell, said:

    “Jessica Patel had been killed as a result of pressure being brought to bear on her neck. She was strangled.”

    Jessica Patel was declared dead at the scene by the emergency services who arrived. The weapon of choice to commit the grizzly deed? A plastic supermarket bag from Tesco’s ironically called a Tesco Bag For Life. It was used both as a means of strangulation and suffocation.

    At first, the police treated Mr. Patel as a witness until, upon examination, they found incriminating scratches on his neck. Further investigation revealed ample motive for killing his wife as she had several insurance policies in her name.

    Mr. Campbell said:

    “He was planning to use the money to start a new life in Australia and that life would be shared with the person who he really loved, one who he regarded as his soul mate–another man.”

    Your Online Footprint Reveals Everything

    The unhappily married couple ran a local pharmacy and had been together since university days. But Mr. Patel began a secret life cheating on his wife with a man that he met online. He was planning to use her insurance money to start over down under.

    Image from Pixabay

    As the police carried out more digging into the motives, they found internet searches dating back over five years in which Mr. Patel searched for ways to kill his wife. One of which included how much insulin was needed to kill a healthy and non-diabetic person. He has also searched for subjects like “How do I arrange a funeral?” and “The death of a spouse.”

    Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Mr. Patel denies charges of murder and insists that a burglar broke into the property and strangled Mrs. Patel.

    However, whether or not his story will hold up in court remains to be seen. Jurors were also told that Mr. Patel was acting strangely after his wife’s death and that he had “staged” the break-in by turning his house upside down and trying to destroy the CCTV footage.

    The trial continues… And for anyone thinking about looking for ways to do away their better half, remember your online footprint reveals everything.

    Featured image from Gazette Live.

  • Nvidia Shares Plummet Due to Enduring ‘Crypto Hangover’

    Nvidia Shares Plummet Due to Enduring ‘Crypto Hangover’

    Chipmaker Nvidia saw its shares plunge yesterday upon releasing its Q3 earnings report. The company cites dwindling demand for its GPUs (graphics processing units) from cryptocurrency miners as the main cause for missing its revenue forecasts. Demand from crypto miners has, in fact, all but dried up.

    Nvidia reported earnings of $3.18 billion, still up by 21% YOY but missing the predicted target of $3.24 billion. Chief executive Jensen Huang cited the “crypto hangover” as the key culprit for the stockpile of unsold inventory.

    In the company’s Q3 earnings report, Huang said that Nvidia’s:

    “Near-term results reflect excess channel inventory post the cryptocurrency boom, which will be corrected.”

    In other words, like plenty of other companies and individuals who saw profits and demands boom in the crypto bull run, the company was able to charge a high price for its graphics cards. However, now that demand has all but petered out, the prices are too high to attract enough customers who are turning to more affordable cardmakers.

    Nvidia Q3 Earnings Report Reflects ‘Crypto Hangover’

    The high-end chipmaker also said that it expected to record revenues of $2.7 billion this quarter, far short of Refinitiv estimates of $3.4 billion. This marks a drop of almost 30% in the company’s PC gaming business that supplies chips for gamers and cryptocurrency miners.

    Huang told Reuters:

    “The crypto hangover lasted longer than we expected. We thought we had done a better job managing the cryptocurrency dynamics.”

    Adjusting Prices in a Fierce Bear Market

    The GPU division saw a dent in its bottom line of $57 million as a direct decline from crypto miners for its chips, reflecting the fierce bear market conditions all around. Huang admitted:

    “This is surely a setback and I wish I had seen it earlier.”

    As the company starts to provide resellers with a new range of “Turing” processors for high-end gamers, supplies of its previous stock remain unsold. Mr. Huang stated that the company had been slow to reduce the prices and that they had some 12 week’s worth of inventory unsold. However, now that their price correction is more in line with demand, he was hopeful that customers would return.

    Given the current slump in crypto markets, though, it’s unlikely that the chipmaker will be seeing a rise in demand from miners ay time soon.

    The slump in its gaming division will also force the company to seek growth in its other areas. such as cloud computing and customers that use its chips in machine learning.

    Source: Google

    In the most recent quarter, Nvidia said that it earned $1.23 billion ($1.97 per share) compared to $838 million ($1.33 per share) the same time last year. That wasn’t enough to placate investors though and Nvidia shares fell by 16% in after-hours trading.

    Featured image from Shutterstock.

  • Elon Musk vs the Regulators – Mexico Says ‘Not so Fast’ to Teslaquila

    Elon Musk vs the Regulators – Mexico Says ‘Not so Fast’ to Teslaquila

    Tesla Inc. co-founder Elon Musk sure likes to create buzz and challenge authorities with his cutting-edge projects. The controversial billionaire is now facing a negative answer from Mexico’s Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT), after tweeting about his latest concept, Teslaquila.

    Regulators aren’t banning the liquor, but they want to make sure that the new product complies with Mexican standards.

    In October, Tesla Inc. filed a trademark for Teslaquila, for both distilled agave liquor and distilled blue agave liquor. The company also filed applications in Mexico, the European Union, and Jamaica.

    April Fools’ Day Joke Comes True

    It all started on April Fools’ Day when Musk published a photo on Twitter showing him passed out on a Model 3 and surrounded by “Teslaquila” bottles. What seemed like a joke generated a wave of enthusiasm from Tesla fans.

    In less than seven months, Musk turned a joke into reality. In October, he used social media to announce the new concept.

    Tesla Is Ready to Comply with Requirements

    The initial reaction from the Mexican authorities wasn’t good for business. Mexico’s Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) released a statement to express its concerns about a liquor similar to tequila that would be produced by Tesla Inc.

    The regulators explain in the statement:

    “The name ‘Teslaquila’ evokes the word Tequila… [and] Tequila is a protected word. If it [Tesla Inc.] wants to make Teslaquila viable as a tequila it would have to associate itself with an authorized tequila producer, comply with certain standards and request authorization from Mexico’s Industrial Property Institute.”

    However, the worries have little grounding since the company will seek the CRT’s approval before producing the liquor. A Tesla spokesperson said that Teslaquila will comply with all standards, and it will be manufactured in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

    The $4.6-Billion Industry Attracts Many Celebrities

    Elon Musk isn’t the first to take advantage of the business opportunities offered by the tequila industry. Actors, singers, and entertainers have been making money from producing and selling tequila for years.

    George Clooney, Carlos Santana, Adam Levine, Justin Timberlake, and P. Diddy are just some of the celebrities that put their names on tequila brands.

    The tequila market was valued at $4.6 billion in 2017. It’s expected to top $6.36 billion by 2025.

    Featured image from CNET.

  • Superstar Beyonce Buys Sir Philip Green Out of Her Fashion Brand

    Superstar Beyonce Buys Sir Philip Green Out of Her Fashion Brand

    Out with the old, in with the new. In this case, out with the aging, controversial businessman shrouded in claims of sexual harassment and racial abuse. Superstar singer and business elite Beyonce has severed ties with Sir Philip Green and bought out his entire stake in her fashion brand Ivy Park.

    Under Pressure from Fans

    Ever since the British business tycoon hit the headlines with his undesirable conduct, fans have expressed their discontent over the star’s partnership with him.

    The last few weeks especially, the pressure has been mounting to disassociate herself from Sir Green after he was named in the Lords as being at the center of a series of harassment and bullying allegations. He strongly denies the claims, however, for a female fashion brand, even a whiff of sexual harassment is not a good look.

    Yesterday, the singer took action, buying out 100% of his share in her sportswear brand.

    In a statement to the Daily Mail, Parkwood, Beyonce’s company confirmed the transaction, a spokesperson for the company said:

    “After discussions of almost a year, Parkwood has acquired 100 percent of the Ivy Park brand…. “Topshop/Arcadia will fulfill the existing orders.”

    She is now said to have cut all ties with the businessman.

    Beyonce Launched Ivy Park Alongside Topshop in 2016

    Beyonce launched Ivy Park clothing alongside Topshop in 2016, at the time saying:

    “I have always loved Topshop for their fashion credentials and forward thinking.”



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    She later helped the Topshop billionaire to open up the company’s flagship store in New York. With her Ivy Park collection, the singer says that she wants to “push the boundaries of athletic wear,” presumably showing women around the world that you can run a treadmill in four-inch heels.

    Beyonce’s fans will be pleased with the move to break away from the disgraced businessman. The news comes just days after Simon Cowell also reportedly severed ties with Sir Phillip Green, although the America’s Got Talent judge, business tycoon, and music producer insisted that he had cut contact with Sir Green months prior to the recent claims.

    Featured image from Shutterstock.